
If you decide The Parlour is not for you, you can cancel your subscription within 7 days of purchase to receive a full refund.

Please note: upon cancellation, you will immediately no longer have access to the content on The Parlour site and will be removed from The Parlour Instagram.

Your membership will automatically renew. If your subscription automatically renews and you didn’t want it to, simply cancel within 7 days for a full refund on your current subscription. Please note, partial refunds on subscriptions are not available.

Please respect the The Parlour Rules. Anyone found breaking the rules or being disrespectful to fellow members may have their membership revoked without refund.

February 2023 Offer

This offer applies to anyone joining a 3 Month Parlour Subscription in February 2023. Admission closes on Friday February 24th ahead of subscriptions being charged (£25) on Sunday February 26th before of memberships begin on Monday 27th.

The Parlour Retreat begins Monday 22nd May 2023 and is free to all members. Please note there will be no new or live content during this time but all members have full access to The Parlour Library, Community and private Parlour instagram for the duration of the Retreat.

You will be fully notified ahead of any charges restarting and have to option to cancel at anytime.